Meet our founder & Overseer:

Following the advice of the Evangelist, JP spent time in prayer, short fasting, private worship, daily giving himself to scripture, and confession of the Word in his life. Because of his diligence and sincerity in pressing into God, JP started hearing God's voice more readily and began to be led by his inner witness. The first healing that occurred through JP was for a fellow soldier in the desert of Ramadi in the midst of a combat zone. That moment of God being able to be used through JP settled in his heart a desire to serve God. JP says, "If God could still find value in me after all I've done, then I am all in!" It settled that day in him that there was nothing else he wanted in this life but to commune with the Father and destroy the work of the enemy in other's lives! Subsequently, JP began to pray for direction on where God wanted him to go after his tour in Iraq.
God spoke to JP while in the sands of Iraq and said to move to Tulsa, OK! After seeking counsel from his mentor, he returned home and moved to Tulsa in less than a month after returning home. JP attended a local bible college in T-town for one year when God spoke again. He instructed JP to leave the school and plug in with a local church where he was already attending, The Family Prayer Center through Dave Roberson Ministries. After struggling with the idea, because JP thought it was undisciplined to walk out of the school, God made it very clear this was the path he wanted JP on. The Family Prayer Center church began to open for early prayer and seeking around that same time. These young men and women who showed up would pray until it was time for work and this continued for years.
After being in Tulsa for seven years God spoke and sent JP back to his hometown. With the blessing of the Family Prayer Center leadership, he was ordained and returned to Indiana, PA. Upon arrival he was directed to his parent's local church as an associate minister; Cornerstone Worship Center. Shortly after his obedience to relocate, God spoke to JP with a blueprint for the next 20-25 years of his life. Part of that plan was to establish a ministry where others can be built up, ordained through discipleship in lieu or in conjunction with traditional 'bible college' education, trained by the Spirit more so than man's doctrine being the focus. This was the birth of Mercy Hill Ministries, Inc. By God's plan, in the summer of 2017, JP stepped in as the pastor of the church he helped co-found the summer of 2016 in Blairsville, PA.
Since that date the Mercy Hill School of Discipleship has been founded, many have been trained in the power of the Spirit and more are being trained as you read this. Learn more by visiting the school's site: www.EndureHardship.org
Contact email: JP@MercyHillMinistry.com
JP Price grew up as a Pentecostal preacher's son. He was raised in the town of Indiana, PA as the stereotypical "preacher kid" as he did a fair share of troublemaking. Starting young into drugs, crime, and foolishness he climaxed at multiple grand theft auto charges at 18. God spoke to Him while he was still in sin and scared JP enough he ran to hide at the Lord's voice. In the months of hiding out of town, JP sobered up off the drugs (took months to clear his system) and got in better physical shape. Because he was never charged with a crime as an adult yet so he was able to enlist in the US Army. With lots of legal fees and attorney costs a judge gave him the chance to serve in the military instead of prison. JP graduated from BASIC and AIT training in the summer of 2005 as an Army Combat Engineer. After returning home for leave JP, was handed his order to go to Iraq in just weeks.
In his time off, before shipping out, God brought in an evangelist who was preaching on the power of the born-again nature. To honor his parents, JP attended the conference and also played on the worship team. On the last day of the conference, JP was born again and Spirit-filled. The evangelist stayed in town for a few days at the Lord's instructions and privately counseled JP on what to do in order to press into a deeper relationship with God. JP was then quickly shipped to Ramadi, Iraq with most of his tour as a 'ma deuce' gunner on a HUMVEE and route patrol.